Attributes the Mind of Christ

The mind of God is pure. God's mindset is one of purity; it is undefined. You should strive to maintain a pure mind that is free from the pollution influences of the world.

The mind of God is peaceable. When you have a peaceable mind, you aren't consumed by conflict.

The mind of God is gentle. Jesus set such a good example for us by being gentle toward others.

The mind of God is benevolent. Jesus objective was to serve others in love. He showed His loving kindness and desire to help others through healing and deliverance, touching people in ways that changed lives.

The mind of God is merciful. When you show mercy toward others, it's easy for you to operate in love.

The mind of God is fruitful. Productivity should characterize the life of Christians and non-Christians alike Jesus was extremely fruitful in His life and ministry.

The mind of God is steadfast. So many people cave in and quit when things get hard, but a steadfast mind refuses to give up in the midst of challenging circumstances.

The mind of God is honest. Honesty really is the best policy.

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