1st Month

1st Month: Get Ready offers positive influence and spiritual enlightenment to discover your divine purpose. 


What is your "Why?" Renew Mind Mindset Makeover Examine Relationships and Support Spiritual Enlightenment, Promises, Practice, Principles and Meditation 

What Is The Secret To Wealth? 


The Law Of Attraction Is The Secret 


The Law of Attraction states that you have the power to create your own reality on Earth or The universe will do it for you. So what reality are you creating? Are you going to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth or are you going to live in a living Hell on Earth? However the choice is yours so chose wisely because God is not going to force you to do anything! 


 You can really start off with nothing. 


Write down things you are thankful for 


Focus on what you do have 


Ask and you shall get an answer to receive 


Change the way you think 


Keep a positive mindset 


Do not focus on negative thoughts 


Write out goals, have visions 


You are the only one that creates your own reality 


Whatever you think you are, you will be 


Your job is to decree and declare what you have or want. 

Start to say and feel, "I have more than enough." There is abundance of money and it's on it's way to me. I am a money magnet. I love money and money loves me. I am receiving money everyday. Lord Thank you! Lord Thank you! Lord Thank you in Jesus Name! 


Complete and Continue  